Femlead Videos
Videos from the Femlead Non-Executive team visit to Busiiro Community in Uganda.
February 2018

Femlead Videos
Videos from the Femlead Non-Executive team visit to Busiiro Community in Uganda.
February 2018
From 12th-16th Feburary 2018, the Femlead Non-Executive team from UK, France, Netherlands and USA visited Busiiro Community in Uganda. During their visit, among other activities they met the head, some of the teachers as well as the girls at the Busiiro Secondary school and Healing Focus Orphanage Center – Primary school. They also travelled to the Busiiro villages and distributed banana suckers to the women groups which had been organized by Esther Bagoole.
The women were thrilled by the steps taken in reaching out to their community; a clear way to empower and develop the area. Many danced and sang joyful songs after receiving the banana suckers.
On 16th February 2018, Femlead launched its Sanitary Pad Project in the same community. The colorful event was attended by over 1000 people including delegates from UK, France, Netherlands and USA; officials from the Local Government in Uganda, Commissioners from Ministry of Education, Local area councilors, Members of Parliament, local people and the Femlead girls and village women Project Leaders.
Videos shown here sum up and give a flavour of the visit.