Esther BagooleFounder and Managing Director
Esther is a human rights activist and both the Founder and Managing Director at Femlead.
She has a Master’s degree in Human Rights and a Bachelor’s degree in Arts at Makerere University, Uganda. After completing her Masters Esther worked at ‘The Foundation for Human Rights Initiative’ for 5 years. During this time, she was involved in a variety of projects and activities including: human rights advocacy, human rights capacity building sessions, civic empowerment, publishing: human rights defender’s reports, human rights status reports and newsletters.
She has a Master’s degree in Human Rights and a Bachelor’s degree in Arts at Makerere University, Uganda. After completing her Masters Esther worked at ‘The Foundation for Human Rights Initiative’ for 5 years. During this time, she was involved in a variety of projects and activities including: human rights advocacy, human rights capacity building sessions, civic empowerment, publishing: human rights defender’s reports, human rights status reports and newsletters.
Over 10 years ago Esther, together with her husband, co-founded the Healing Focus Orphanage Centre (HFOC), a Ugandan based charity. Among other activities HFOC provides education for the orphans and needy children in Busiiro, Luuka district, Uganda. From 2008 to 2014, working in collaboration with UKHF (UK Friends of Healing Focus), Healing Children School, a free school for 250 orphan students, has, in the view of the local Ugandan education department, become “the best school in the district”. It has a 100% pass rate amongst students taking the Primary Leaving Exam.